Aviation Fuel System Construction,
Renovation & Project Management
Edge has assembled a team of Environmental Consultants and Fuel System Contractors with expertise in UST removal and replacement. Edge and its team can provide complete system replacement coordination and project management and are available to inspect existing UST facilities, system management and consult on upgrades and replacements.
State (ADEQ) and Federal laws (EPA) require UST liability insurance policies in place in the amount of $1,000,000. to operate a UST facility. The limited insurance companies that provide the UST policies are enacting higher operational standards for coverage on every annual renewal. UST’s that are at or near 30 years of age are becoming difficult to insure. The policies on older UST’s typically require higher deductibles with some policies deductibles requiring additional security (Bank LOC, Bonding etc.)
The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality “ADEQ” currently offers assistance through the Tanks System Improvement Program (“TSIP”) by providing financial reimbursement of up to $25,000 per tank for removal and up to $200,000. for system replacement. Capitalizing on these programs and assuring cost effective compliance with the associated ADEQ protocols requires experienced management.